Business, Leadership Coaching, MTB Coaching

Better leaders are available

Last night I had a great time with a team of volunteers encouraging them to grow in their skills of connecting. I find it encouraging when volunteers will step out of their comfort zone to connect wth others.

We can take connection for granted, but we sure know when it’s missing!

My favourite part of facilitating discussion is hearing the nuggets of value that each person has grabbed. Keith talked about AVAILABILITY: if you want to connect with the people most important to you, you need to be available. Busy people are not available. A full calendar can be a badge of honour, but it can leave you distant from the people who can make you successful in your life.

How can you practice availability when your calendar is screaming at you and your to do list is endless?

Here’s a little secret, we always have time for the things that are important to us. I put important relationships into my calendar: date night with a teenager, a weekly course with my wife, scheduled time with my assistant (or team members) so they don’t feel like they are interrupting my busyness.

Available people connect. Intentionally available people connect with the people who matter most.

If you’d like to learn other great connecting skills I have an onsite training session on November 2 ( We will spend a half-day discussing and learning principles and practical skills that will help you be successful and better connected.

I’m also available to come to your team (at work or in your volunteer organization) and bring a 30-45 “Lunch & Learn.” We can even do it virtually through Book a call with me and we can discuss options.

I’m committed to your growth and success.

Here to help,


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